Operation Rose
Cpl Patrick "Charlie" Miles
Jim Boersma,and J. J. Hall had an Operation Rose ceremony in honor of
Cpl. Patrick"CHARLIE" Miles ,on August 18th, 2001 . This was the day before the
anniversary of his death. Cpl Miles had been kill in action in Vietnam on
August 19,1968 . He was killed in the same mission as Cpl. Hoffmann
and Cpl. Hutchison. Some of all 3 families met at the D.C. 2001 Reunion.
Captain Rocky Darger,who was flying that day , sent an note to be shared
at the ceremony , Maj. Harvey Britt, (not in attendance) who was also flying on
the same mission was asked about by Irene (Charlie's Mom), and she was happy to
know that we knew him. She spoke well of Harvey Britt ,what he had written to her years
ago obviously meant allot to her. LtCol (ret) Dave Althoff sent his best wishes
that I passed along . I read them at the ceremony, also telling the family that
there were many more of you that had sent word ,and prayers to them .
Thanks to you all.
Here is a list of family and friends at the service.
Jane Milies Unger(Patrick's Widow)-Irene Milies Bright (Mother of Charlie)-
His Mother -in-Law Theresa Dzrojkoski (Janes Mother)-Doris Meatte (Cousin)-
Jean & Joel Robinson, (Brother-in-law & Sister-in-law), Jennifer
Grasso (Janes Sister), Brother Scott Carter (Nephew), Terry & Jennie Durand(Former
Marine and friend) . Jerry & Dianna Hall, Jim Boersma, Chaplain Al
TODD (Michigan DAV Commander), My Daughter and Son-In-Law (Denita,Chris
Meyers) Grandaughter(22mos. Paighten) . And last but not least the Marine Reserves that
gave of their time to come for Honor Guard .
To say the least the FAMILY ALL EXPRESSED THEIR GRATEFULNESS to all of us
saying how much they needed this . We all, and I do mean ALL, had the tears
come and go - but we did share in some light moments !
Hope that we can find all of our guys and share with their families!
God Bless,
J.J. (Jerome) & Di (Dianna) Hall
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