From the Camera of David Althoff, LtCol, USMC(ret)
Winner of 1968 Alfred A Cunningham Award
"Marine Aviator of the Year"
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Dave Althoff '67-'68
Then Major Althoff served with HMM-262 in 1967 and 1968. Major Althoff
served as S-3 Officer, Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of
Detachment Alpha "Poor Devils" while piloting almost daily combat missions.
Quang Tri December 1967 |
Underway Refueling |
CO and XO Office |

Rockpile and Razorback
Saigon Cutie |
1/Lt Bill Murphy |
Officer Hootchs |
Rockpile Landing Pad
China Beach |
Dave Althoff 1967 |
Capt Roy Canada |
Rockpile Landing Pad
Maintenance Quang Tri |
Finger Lakes |
Quang Tri Monsoon 1968 |
LZ Stud
Poor Devil Pilots 1968 |
Hue, Before Tet 68 |
Dong Ha |
Typical day Khe Sahn
Elephant Valley |
Hue, After Tet 68 |
Dong Ha Ammo Dump |
D Althoff
Medevac |
Air Strikes near Quang Tri |
Con Tien and Gio Linh |
Grunts at play
Approaching Medevac |
Approaching Quang Tri |
External to Khe Sahn |
NVA troops
Zero-Zero Conditions |
Quang Tri December 1967 |
Camp Carroll |
NVA all dead now
USS Valley Forge |
Near Camp Carroll
Road to Khe Sahn
Khe Sanh
Khe Sanh |
Bad Spot Highway 9 |
Another "Bad Assed" Area |
3 Miles East of Khe Sanh |
Khe Sanh |
Khe Sanh |
Khe Sanh |
Khe Sanh |
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