Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez
October 22, 2007

Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez Navy Cross

Navy Cross Citation
For extraordinary heroism while serving with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 262, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 25 January 1968, Corporal Gomez was the Crew Chief aboard a CH-46 transport helicopter assigned an emergency medical evacuation mission on Hill 881 near the Khe Sanh Combat Base. The pilot proceeded to the designated area and landed in the zone as two Marines began leading a casualty, whose head and eyes were covered with bandages, toward the helicopter. When the entire landing zone was subjected to intense enemy fire, the two men were forced to drop to the ground. Observing the blindfolded casualty attempting to reach the aircraft unassisted, Corporal Gomez Gomez unhesitatingly left the helicopter and rushed across the 25 meters of fire-swept terrain to the side of the injured man. Quickly pulling the Marine to the ground, he selflessly used his own body to shield his comrade from the hostile fire impacting around them, and as the enemy fire continued, he took cover with the casualty in a nearby rocket crater. Corporal Gomez remained in this exposed area until another crew memrushed to his assistance. Then the two Marines, protecting their wounded comrade from further injury, carried him to the helicopter. The pilot was quickly informed that the injured Marine was aboard, and the aircraft lifted from the hazardous area for the medical facility at Khe Sanh. Corporal Gomez's heroic actions were instrumental in saving his companion's life and inspired all who observed him. By his courage, selfless concern for the safety of his fellow Marine, and unswerving devotion to duty at great personal risk, he upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
October 2002 Reunion with Lt.Gen. Mike Delong another
Old Tiger

The City of Santa Ana California,
City Hall, honors Navy Cross
recipient Ernesto "Gooie" Gomez,
for his heroic duty while serving
with HMM-262 in Vietnam
Santa Ana created the "Walk of Honor" to honor those Veterans who have served our country to
preserve freedom. There is a Memorial for WWI WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Surrounding the
memorials are plaques for the Medal of Honor Recipients. On 4 November 2005 the plaques
Honoring the recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross the Navy Cross and the Air force
Cross were added. Eleven were added and on 30 May 2006 there will be four more added. Each
year a Ceremony is held at City Hall that lasts four days. Middle school children are invited to
attend to learn about the sacrifices that have been made by our Veterans and n fact tell the
students about the deed our Heroes have accomplished to keep our Country Free.
Our sincere thanks goes out to
the City of Santa Ana, Civic
Center, for honoring our heroic
Soldiers and Veterans
Last Verse of the Marine Corps Hymn
"Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines."
(Cpl Gooie Gomez, received his orders on 22-10-2007 and
has reported for Duty.)
Semper Fidelis
Burial at Arlington, November 26, 2006
(click on thumbnails for larger pictures)
Arlington Pictures by Tim McMahon