Pictures and commentary by
Bob Harrison, Crew Chief, 66-67

The first picture in Landing is 50. I spent a week trying to recover that sucker
out of the mud. I've got other photos of it. We had an Army crane come in to
try and pick it. We were working from a tin boat, one of the guys hooked the
sling and the crane picked, swung over the top of the boat, over heated and
dropped it. We spent more time swimming in that pond than I care to remember.
We carried our tool boxes out to it on our backs using sort of a low mud swim.
It was really fun salvaging the armor plated seats and engines.
The second picture of the bird setting in the fence, I believe belonged to Len
Arbour. Besides landing in a fence, it had also landed in a mine field, most of
which was still there when I went to recover it. He had made a flight out of a zone
with a big load of Vietnamese civilians and was making his second trip with
something like 60 (standing room only) when the engines heated and he
he dropped in.

Obviously, Stash Oleckna will have to find a better place to park his A/C

Krieg "Hip" Lofting - '67-68